
These docs describe an API for routes that is current as of v6.2.0. Documentation for routing prior to this version will not be included because it will be deprecated in the future.

Basic Routing

The routes API allows you to define routes to for your site within the site's controller (index.js) file. By exporting an array of route objects, Amphora will attach each route to the Express Router under a get handler. Previous versions of Amphora exposed the whole router to a developer to attach routes, but this has been updated in favor of greater stability/feature set in Amphora.

To assign routes for your site, export an Array like the one below at the routes property of your site's controller. Routing patterns should be Express compatible.

module.exports.routes = [
  { path: '/'},
  { path: '/:name'},
  { path: '/:year/:month/:slug' }


The router can handle redirects if you choose to handle these in Clay. Simply add the redirect property to your path object with the destination being the path you'd like to redirect users to. Make sure the destination path exists before adding in a redirect.

// Redirects to the trailing slash of version of the `/blog/` path
module.exports.routes = [
  { path: '/'},
  { path: '/blog/'},
  { path: '/blog', redirect: '/blog/'}

Dynamic Pages

One of the problems the router aims to solve is dynamic pages. In Clay there is a 1-1 relationship between a _uri and a a _page, which makes it extremely hard to build a dynamic system which doesn't require a single page for every public url.

An example of this would be building an archive page of blog posts that have a certain characteristic or tag. Ideally you'd have one page who would parse the url, find the value the user expects and then render a page with that value filled in all the places you would expect.

To do this in Clay you can use a dynamic page, which allows you to define ONE page to resolve all requests at a given route. For example:

// All requests to `/archive/:tag` will be directed to `/_pages/someUniquePageId`
module.exports.routes = [
  { path: '/'},
  { path: '/archive/:tag', dynamicPage: 'someUniquePageId'}

By adding this path object into your routes object you'll be able to create one page to handle all the requests to the /archive/* route. Make sure your dynamic page is published or else this won't work!

Last updated