Building Custom Renderers

The docs address the renderer API as of Amphora v6.x.

A custom renderer can do anything your needs might require when it comes to transforming JSON data from Amphora. All that is required is that your renderer export a render function. This function will receive a the arguments described below:

  • data (Object): The composed data for the page or component. This data will have passed through complete data composition, including model.js files and renderer specific models. This is the data you'll send to your templating language or formatting logic.

  • meta (Object): This object contains three crucial properties:

    • locals (Object): The Express locals object that has also been annotated by Amphora. This is the same locals object passed to component's model.js files during composition.

    • _ref (String): This is the uri that was requested to be rendered. If you're rendering a page or an Express route, this will be the page uri. If you're rendering a component directly, this will be the component's uri.

    • _layoutRef (String): This is only provided when rendering a page and it's value corresponds to the layout uri on the page. This is needed for finding the root template when rendering with different templating languages, such as Handlebars.

  • res (Object): Simply the Express Response object. This means it is the responsibility of the renderer to terminate the response.

An example renderer:

module.exports.render = function (state, res) {
  var htmlResponse = ...; // Use state object to construct some HTML response..


Having access to the Express Response object (res) means a renderer can attach custom headers, choose the response type and any other task you might need.

Last updated