Kiln API

CSS Classes

Kiln exports a number of CSS classes that may be used by plugins.

JavaScript API

Kiln attaches a window.kiln object when it has loaded, which contains utilities, vue components, and places to put custom helpers, inputs, validators, etc. Note that you may always override built-in inputs, helpers, validators, etc with your own code if you need to.

Custom Nav Menu Items

You may add options to the Clay menu to be displayed between New Page and Sign Out options. The trigger buttons should extend the navMenuButton component included in window.kiln.components and should be added to window.kiln.navButtons.

Custom nav buttons should dispatch the openDrawer action with the same id used to name the nav button and nav content in the global kiln object.

The body of the nav option should be added to window.kiln.navContent using the same object key that was used to add the corresponding nav button.

Note that due to the vast difference in functionality and state data between view mode and edit mode, external nav menu options will not be loaded into the nav outside of edit mode.

Custom Validators

You may add custom validation to window.kiln.validators. A validator should export label, description, type (either error or warning), and a validate method. The validate method receives the whole page state, so validators can be extremely flexible.

Most validators concern themselves with components and/or fields, and should make use of the helper functions in kiln.utils.validationHelpers such as forEachComponent and forEachField. The built-in validators such as required are good examples to work off of.

Validators must return an array of errors (or warnings), where each issue includes uri, and field properties. Optionally, an issue may include location (which creates a link to the relevant form) and preview (which displays context for an issue).

Validating The DOM

While validators may do DOM lookups to determine validity, remember that DOM lookups are slow compared to reducing on the state object directly. Please keep this in mind when writing validators that only concern themselves with page/component/etc data.


Kiln exports a number of JavaScript utils to the browser in the window.kiln.utils object.

Vue Components

Kiln exports a number of KeenUI and custom Vue.js components that may be used in plugins.

Vuex State

The Vuex state looks similar to this:

  components: {
    // component instance data, keyed by uri
    // components that have been removed from the page will be empty objects
    '': { /* some data */ }
  componentDefaults: {
    // default component data, used when creating new components
    'some-component': { /* some data */ }
  page: {
    uri: '',
    data: { /* page areas, layout, and customURL */ },
    state: {
      // this page's representation in the list (data that's sent to the page list)
      published: false,
      scheduled: false,
      createdAt: 0,
      publishTime: null,
      scheduledTime: null,
      siteSlug: 'some-site',
      title: '',
      updateTime: null,
      uri: '',
      url: ''
  layout: {
    // this layout's representation in the layouts list
    published: false,
    scheduled: false,
    createTime: 'Wed May 23 2018 16:20:05 GMT-0400 (EDT)',
    publishTime: null,
    scheduleTime: null,
    siteSlug: 'some-site',
    title: '',
    updateTime: null,
    updateUser: null,
    uri: ''
  user: {
    // currently logged-in user
    auth: 'write',
    imageUrl: 'avatar url',
    name: 'Name of User',
    provider: 'some-provider',
    username: 'some username or email'
  // ui state management
  ui: {
    currentForm: { uri, path, data }, // currently opened form
    currentAddComponentModal: { currentURI, parentURI, path, available }, // current "add component" modal
    currentModal: { title, type, size, data }, // current "simple" modal
    currentConfirm: { title, text, button, onConfirm }, // current "confirmation" modal
    currentDrawer: null, // current drawer menu, both left and right drawers
    currentSelection: null, // currently selected component, gets uri
    currentFocus: { uri, path }, // currently focused field/group
    currentProgress: 0, // progress bar, gets random number (to prevent flashes)
    currentlySaving: false, // don't focus components while forms are saving, gets boolean
    metaKey: false, // set to true when meta key is pressed, enables additional functionality in kiln
    alerts: [], // array of alerts to display to the user
    snackbar: null // current (or previous) snackbar.
    // note: snackbars are created imperatively (settings this simply informs the toolbar to create a new snackbar),
    // so this won't always be the snackbar displayed (it will be either the one displayed or the previous one displayed)
  // publishing validation
  validation: {
    // errors and warnings are arrays of { label, description, items },
    // with each item being { field, location, path, uri, preview }
    errors: [],
    warnings: []
  // read-only
  schemas: {
    'some-component': { /* some schema, converted to kiln 5.x syntax */ }
  locals: {
    components: ['list', 'of', 'all', 'components'],
    edit: 'true',
    params: { /* url params */ },
    query: { /* url query params */ },
    routes: ['/available', '/routes', '/in', '/current', '/site'],
    site: { /* config for current site */ },
    url: 'http://current-url',
    user: { /* current user data */ }
  models: {
    'some-component': { /* object with save() and/or render() methods */ }
  templates: {
    'some-component': () => {} // render function, precompiled handlebars template
  site: { /* config for current site */ },
  allSites: {
    // configs for all sites in the current clay instance
    'slug': { /* config */ }
  url: null,
  lists: {
    // data from `/_lists`, populated as needed
    isLoading: false,
    'new-pages': {
      error: null,
      isLoading: false,
      items: [ /* array of list items */ ]
  isLoading: true, // preloading has started
  undo: {
    atStart: true, // boolean if we're at the start of the history (no undo)
    atEnd: true, // boolean if we're at the end of the history (no redo)
    cursor: 0 // current snapshot the user is on. used to undo/redo non-destructively

Last updated